5 Pet Myths

Common Pet Myths

You might think you know a lot about your pet. In fact, one of our vet expert from Alexander at the Park Veterinary Hospital in Durham, NC, can give you advice and useful facts. Here are some common myths that might make you wonder how well you know your lovable cat or dog.

How Debunking Myths Can Improve Pet Care

When you understand your pet better, you can provide him with the best pet care. For instance, you'll have a clearer idea of when he's unhappy. This can make it easier to know when to take him to the vet.

Dogs with Wagging Tails Are Friendly

Indeed, a wagging tail can mean alertness, excitement, or happiness. Alternatively, it may also signal anxiety, fear, or aggression. If you're concerned about your pet's health, contact our animal hospital.

Cats Hate Water

Cats often don't like getting wet because water adds extra weight that slows them down from escaping predators' clutches. Some breeds, however, like water. You can try getting a kitten used to the water by bathing him regularly.

Dogs Get Enough Exercise in the Backyard

While Fido may seem to enjoy his backyard time, he likely becomes bored. To maintain optimum health, dogs need workouts. Further, they may need a change of scenery for additional mental stimulation. Talk your dog on walks regularly. It can be exercise, and fun, for both you and him.

Purring Cats Are Happy

Another myth is that purring cats are expressing pleasure and happiness. This can be true many times, but not always. Purring can be adorable, but it can also mean a cat feels aggression, pain, or fear.

Dogs Are Colorblind

Many humans believe dogs see the world through a black and white. They, however, can, see several colors, but they do see fewer than humans.

Contact Our Veterinarian at Our Animal Hospital for Pet Care

Need some advice from oour vet? Our veterinarian at Alexander at the Park Veterinary Hospital in Durham, NC, can help with your pet's needs. Call us at (919) 484-9900.


2945 S Miami Blvd., Ste. 125, Durham NC 27703

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