Preventative Care

Your pet depends on you to help maintain its overall health and well-being. One of the best ways to accomplish that goal is through preventative pet care. Preventative care services from our Durham vet can boost your pet’s health, protect it from contagious diseases, and improve its quality of life. At Alexander at the Park Veterinary Hospital, we offer a wide range of preventative pet care services to enhance the health and wellness of your dog or cat. Here’s what you can expect from our veterinary team.

Preventative Pet Care

Pet Wellness Exam

Annual wellness exams enable our Durham veterinarian to keep track of your pet’s health over the years. Annual pet check-ups serve several purposes. First, our veterinarian can diagnose health issues early on when they’re easier to treat. Prompt treatment can reduce your pet’s suffering and help him recover quicker. Second, our Durham vet can prevent health problems by taking measures to protect your pet’s health. Obesity, for example, can lead to diabetes, arthritis, heart problems, and other serious issues in your dog. By recommending changes to your dog’s diet and exercise regimen, our veterinarian can help your pet maintain a healthy weight level that will keep these problems at bay.

Parasite control, skin allergies, and diagnostics are also essential services our animal hospital provides during a pet wellness exam. Bloodwork and x-rays reveal hidden health issues your pet may have due to parasites or internal organ problems. Early detection and treatment of these issues will keep them from escalating into significant health problems later in life.


Vaccinations play a key role in preventative care as they protect your pet against contagious diseases. Even indoor pets are at risk of catching diseases that can seriously impair their health. Our animal hospital offers core vaccinations to protect your cat or dog from major life-threatening issues and non-core vaccines to protect it from diseases your animal may contract due to its lifestyle. Our Durham vet can create a personalized vaccination schedule for your canine or feline companion based off its age, health, breed, and lifestyle.

Oral Care

Like people, pets can develop dental problems like tooth infections, bleeding gums, broken teeth, or periodontal disease that can lead to serious health problems. Routine oral care from your Durham vet can prevent many of these issues. We offer annual dental exams and cleanings to help protect and preserve your pet’s oral health.

Visit Our Animal Hospital for a Pet Wellness Exam from Our Veterinarian in Durham, NC

Whether your pet needs oral care or just a routine check-up, our team at Park Veterinary Hospital in Durham is here for you and your animal. Contact us at (919) 484-9900 to schedule your pet’s next appointment or to learn more about how we can help. 


2945 S Miami Blvd., Ste. 125, Durham NC 27703

Office Hours

If you have an emergency, please call Triangle Veterinary Referral Hospital on 608 Morreene Rd at 919-489-0615.


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm






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