Pet Vaccination FAQs

Does your pet need to be vaccinated each year? Which shots do your cat or dog need? These are a couple of questions you might have about pet vaccines and we’re here to answer them!

Pet vaccination

Are you looking for a vet near you? At Alexander At The Park Veterinary Hospital, in Durham, NC, our veterinarian administers vaccinations. Let’s explore some of the top questions about getting pets vaccinated and why it matters so much!

Does My Pet Need Every Type of Vaccine?

No, most pets don’t need every kind of vaccine that is available. Vaccines are split into core and non-core shots. Core ones are required. But non-core ones aren’t always needed.

Core canine vaccines include:

•           Rabies

•           Canine parainfluenza

•           Parvovirus

•           Distemper

•           Adenovirus

Core feline vaccines include:

•           Rabies

•           Calicivirus

•           Rhinotracheitis virus/Herpes virus-1

•           Panleukopenia

•           Leukemia

How Do I Know If My Pet Needs Non-Core Vaccines?

Does your pet spend a lot of time with other pets outside your home, like at daycare or boarding? Do you live in an area where they are at risk of certain diseases, such as Lyme disease? These are the kinds of factors we consider when recommending these vaccinations.

Non-core canine shots include:

•           Bordetella

•           Lyme disease

•           Canine influenza

•           Leptospirosis

Non-core feline vaccines include:

•           Chlamydia

•           Bordetella

Why Should I Have My Pet Vaccinated?

Your pet needs these shots to protect them from diseases that have no cure or can cause severe complications. Going without these vaccines means your pet can catch these illnesses and may not survive! Vaccinations keep them safe.

Are Vaccines for Pets Considered Safe?

Yes! Pets sometimes have mild soreness and other side effects for a day or two. But these shots are generally safe for most pets.

When Is a Good Time to Have Pets Vaccinated?

That depends on your pet’s age, species, and other factors. Our animal hospital might recommend:

•           Initial vaccines at 6 to 8 weeks

•           Booster shots during the first year

•           Annual updates for annual vaccines

•           Every few years for vaccinations that last longer

Visit Our Animal Hospital in Durham, NC, for Pet Vaccines

Time for your pet’s vaccinations? Our vet near you can make sure they’re updated! Call (919) 484-9900 to make an appointment at Alexander At The Park Veterinary Hospital in Durham, NC. Our veterinarian can recommend the right shots for your pet and administer any that are needed!


2945 S Miami Blvd., Ste. 125, Durham NC 27703

Office Hours

If you have an emergency, please call Triangle Veterinary Referral Hospital on 608 Morreene Rd at 919-489-0615.


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm






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