Pet Anesthesia

If your pet needs surgery, he'll also need anesthesia. This is the medication that renders him unconscious during the procedure, so it can be performed safely and without causing them any pain. In the Durham, NC, area, we at Alexander At The Park Veterinary Hospital can help with your pet's surgery and anesthesia needs. We understand how much your pet means to you and want to make sure he has a safe experience under anesthesia from a trusted veterinarian near you.

Pet Anesthesia

Pet Surgery Helps Treat Many Conditions

Surgery is used to help treat cancer and other serious diseases, for spaying and neutering, and to help your pet heal after an accident injury. Since there are so many reasons that a pet could need surgery, work with a vet and staff that can perform this safely and also ensure your pet is comfortable when the surgery is over.

An Animal Hospital Can Provide Pet Anesthesia

When a pet gets anesthesia, he will be unconscious, just like people who undergo surgery. Because pets are so much smaller than us, they don't need as much anesthesia to be asleep during the surgery. We're well-trained in how much anesthesia to provide your pet so he has a safe experience during surgery and wakes up soon afterward.

Work with a Vet if You Have Questions

When you have questions about pet surgery and anesthesia, a good thing you can do is talk to a vet. Our animal hospital is happy to give our patients information and answers on any surgery their pet needs or the kind of anesthesia we provide. It's understandable that you would be worried about your pet when he needs a serious procedure performed.

Get Vet Care and Pet Surgery from a Veterinarian at Our Animal Hospital

Contact us today at Alexander At The Park Veterinary Hospital if you need pet surgery and anesthesia to help address your pet's injury or health condition. If you're in the Durham, NC, area, we're here and ready to help you get the best care for your cherished pet. It's important to work with a vet for any surgery or anesthesia issues, to help ensure your pet is treated safely. Call us at (919) 484-9900 for more information from a veterinarian near you.


2945 S Miami Blvd., Ste. 125, Durham NC 27703

Office Hours

If you have an emergency, please call Triangle Veterinary Referral Hospital on 608 Morreene Rd at 919-489-0615.


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm






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